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Rationale Essay Samples
Monday, August 24, 2020
Karl Jaspers and Seung Sahn Essay -- Compare Contrast Philosophy Essay
Karl Jaspers and Seung Sahn In this paper I will make a correlation between the considerations of Karl Jaspers and Korean Zen ace Seung Sahn on the idea of cognizance and amazing quality. The articles being referred to by Jaspers are his expositions â€Å"On the Origin of My Philosophy,†written in 1941, and his talks on the centrality of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche and â€Å"the Encompassing,†given in 1935 (p. 158). The other content being examined is The Compass of Zen, a gathering of Seung Sahn’s addresses on the three fundamental parts of Buddhism. The Compass of Zen was started during the 1960s as a fundamental book to clarify the â€Å"bone,†or basic quintessence, of Buddhism to Sahn’s Zen understudies. The 1960s got a sharp ascent on intrigue Buddhism among Americans, and The Compass of Zen is frequently utilized as a groundwork to assist Westerners with understanding its lessons. In this manner, Sahn has joined lessons from all over Asia (the three primary parts of Hin ayana, Mahayana, and Zen Buddhism) into one content. Jasper’s reasoning is comparatively founded on the craving for a â€Å"universal chronicled view.†He thought about the three primary wellsprings of philosophical idea to be India, the Orient, and the Western convention starting with the Greeks. He composes that it is imperative to comprehend a wide range of sorts of ways of thinking since they all spring from the essential human want for comprehension. As he writes in Kaufmann’s collection, â€Å"there is more than one generally accepted fact in man.†Both Jaspers and Sahn are attempting to make an all around material way of thinking of internal reflection (contemplation) to pick up amazing quality (edification, nirvana, moshka, satori); in down to earth terms, inward harmony. Jaspers’ reasoning is situated in the possibility that way of thinking is destroyed by endeavors to place it into ... ... referenced in Jaspers, it is unmistakable in the considering both Bergman and Camus.) As should be obvious, the methods of reasoning of Jaspers and Seung Sahn concur on a considerable lot of a similar basic focuses, especially on the structure and beginning of awareness. Where the two contrast is in inquiries of system. Jaspers needs to extend the constraints of thought to discover amazing quality, while Buddhism (especially Zen) attempts to go to a spot past idea, before thought, and believes it best to do this by not thinking. Works Cited Jaspers, Karl. â€Å"On the Origin of My Philosophy,†â€Å"Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, â€Å"The Encompassing.†Existentialism from Dostoyevsky to Sartre. Ed. Walter Kaufmann. New York: Plume, 2004. p.158-232. Sahn, Zen Master Seung. The Compass of Zen. Boston: Shambhala, 1997. Tzu, Lao. Tao Te Ching. Trans. David Hinton. Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 2002.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Psychological Assessment I, II, III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Mental Assessment I, II, III - Essay Example He was commonly agreeable and appeared to give his earnest attempts to the undertakings introduced to him. It was obvious that it was simple for him to comprehend and react to questions and his manners of thinking were for the most part engaged and clear, with the exception of in giving data about his past, which were once in a while deficient and ambiguous. At the point when he did ineffectively, he became self-basic, irritated and showed up marginally on edge. For instance, in certain things in the Boston Naming test, he would gaze at the image for quite a while before naming it, and when he understands that he wasn't right, would state, â€Å"Stupid, moronic, how hard could that be!†while beating on the table. Dr. Anoxia was conceived in Wisconsin to a dad who was an educator and a mother who was an accountant. At the point when he was eight years of age, his family needed to move to New York since his dad has acknowledged a showing post in a school in Queens. At the point when he was seventeen, his dad kicked the bucket of a respiratory failure. After four years, his mom kicked the bucket of disease. As indicated by him, he sought after alumni concentrates in Economics in her respect. He met his significant other while going to graduate school at the New York University in 1963. Together, they brought up three kids who are as of now effective experts. The separation of his marriage started when all the kids have developed and ventured out from home to live their autonomous lives. He at last had a separation following 22 years of marriage. His dad, being an instructor impacted his scholarly exhibition, anticipating out and out greatness from him. His father’s coaching caused him to exceed expectations in secondary school both in scholastics and in sports, explicitly Golf. His better than expected school records earned him a spot at the University of Vermont where he graduated in 1957 with a bachelor’s qualification in Economics. Upon graduation, he was recruited by one of his educators to be one of the analysts for a legislature supported investigation. The test and achievement he got from his work enlivened
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
The Best Books We Read In June
The Best Books We Read In June We asked our contributors to share the best book they read this month. We’ve got fiction, nonfiction, YA, and much, much more- there are book recommendations for everyone here! Some are old, some are new, and some aren’t even out yet. Enjoy and tell us about the highlight of your reading month in the comments. 32 Candles by Ernessa T. Carter I immediately bought this book after reading that the main character, Davidia, wanted a “Molly Ringwald Ending†after she watched 16 Candles. AND THEN as soon as I finished reading the ebook I immediately bought the book in paperback because I needed this book to sit on my shelf so I could smile at it. The story starts with Davidia using Molly Ringwald movies to escape her terrible childhood until she finally flees, leaving behind her “Jake Ryan†and her hopes for her own Molly Ringwald Ending. You’ll have to read to see how her adult life turns out… But I can say that this book had it all: great story, real characters, humor, heart, heartbreak, spirit, and that magical feeling you get when you rewatch your favorite ‘80s movies. Jamie Canaves The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie It seems I’ve taken my sweet time getting to Sherman Alexie’s work, and for that I’m kind of bummed. While I’ve heard the rave reviews of this novel in particularwith its National Book Award and allI had my doubts. I don’t always read the YA books, but when I do, I hope that they are as finely written as this one with a unique narrative voice, an emotional reading experience, and plenty to think about, no matter what your age. Andi Miller Binary by Stephanie Saulter Earlier this year, I could not stop raving about Saulter’s Gemsigns. It tells the story of a future in which genetically modified humans are the norm, and those engineered with “commercial modifications†(imagine if pearl divers didn’t need oxygen tanks to breath underwater, or extra organs could be grown by one person for another) are fighting for their rights in a society that is used to considering them as less than human. Binary is the follow-up to that novel, and I literally am dreaming about it as I read it. This, friends, is a sequel done right. By setting it a few years into the future, she’s able to both continue the threads begun in Gemsigns and introduce new levels of complexity to the intricate, compelling world she’s created. If you love science fiction that holds a mirror back up to society, that uses technology to explore the questions of what it means to be human, and that tells an amazing story in the process, pick these up now. Jenn Northington Bloodchild and Other Stories by Octavia Butler Octavia Butler hit me with the humanity and relatability I didn’t know I was seeking in the often cool and clinical world of science fiction. This was my first Butler book and, as it turns out, I adore the writer as much as I adore the writing. Who couldn’t fall for someone who sets out to write a pregnant man story (“Bloodchild), and gets real about that day she was so disgusted with humans and our inability to communicate with each other that she had to tell a grim tale about the end of communication through words (“Speech Soundsâ€)? For this reason, please don’t pass over the afterwords following each story or the two essays at the end. Butler was one of the greats; I can’t wait to read Kindred. S. Zainab Williams Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater June was a tough month for me, and when things are tough, I return to the books I know. Blue Lily, Lily Blue is the third book in Stiefvater’s Raven Cycle (The Raven King, the fourth and final, is scheduled for Feb. 2016, and I am already quite sure it will break my heart), and it is full of things I love: a bright brave girl, smart boys who are trying to be better than they are, a therapy dog named Dog, a raven named Chainsaw, my most favorite hitman, sleeping kings, ley lines, a wood that speaks (Latin, in case you were wondering), and absolutely stunning writing. This was my second time reading this book, and I loved it even more this time. Kat Howard Chronology of Water by Lidia Yuknavitch Like many memoirs, Chronology of Water is about loss and pain; it’s about hitting rock bottom and clawing your way back up; it’s about creativity, alcohol, sex, motherhood, swimming. Unlike many memoirs, this one knocked me sideways with its weird and wonderful language. Yuknavitch knows how to tell a storyâ€"how to take pain and loss and wring something beautiful out of them. â€"Emma Nichols Conservation of Shadows by Yoon Ha Lee Lee writes the kind of speculative fiction that incorporates abstraction and math, resulting in prose that is as contemplative and challenging as poetry. But what makes the stories work is the astounding imagery that accompanies his meditations on revenge, fate, colonialism, and other weighty themes. He writes evocatively about intergalactic war-kites, fatal music, paper doll warriors. One story takes on Star Trek’s famous Kobayashi Maru scenario and turns it on its head. The writing evokes barely restrained heartache, as if each beautiful bead of a story is on the brink of shattering. I’ve read several of the stories collected in this volume over the years (thanks to online SF magazines), but the cumulative effect of reading and rereading everything hit me hard. Kristel Autencio Denton Little’s Death Date by Lance Rubin You’d think a YA novel about a world in which everyone knows on what day they’ll die would be dark. You’d also think knowing that Denton, the book’s 17-year-old protagonist, will be dead in a couple of days would be kind of a killjoy. It’s weirdly and remarkably the opposite. Rubin manages to make life, death, and everything in between hilarious and poignant (and yes, sometimes heartbreaking). But that’s probably the point. As Denton attends his own funeral, says his last words to friends and family, and discovers an odd purple rash on his body that he’s convinced will be the death of him, the way he spends his remaining time on Earth got me thinking a lot about the ways we choose to spend our own. â€" Natalia Sylvester The Devil and Winnie Flynn by Micol and David Ostow (October 13, Soho Teen) Following her mothers apparent suicide, Winnie is spending the summer with her aunt Maggie in New Jersey. Her aunt is the creator of a reality TV show that investigates strange and paranormal activity, Fantastic, Fearsome. Maggies a production assistant while they delve into the mystery of the Jersey Devil. On the surface, this is a story about life behind the scenes of a reality television show. But its much more about the exploration of grief, of the things that scare us, of tropes and storytelling. Its written with illustrations, script pieces, and more scattered throughout. Ostow weaves in some great twists to this one, and throughout the book, were given insight into the background of producing a reality TV show through Winnies realistic and very grounded voice. Shes writing it as a journal to her best friend Lucia, which takes readers even one step further from the action. Its a very smart, very FUN horror story that would work for those who dont necessarily gravitate toward horror, since it doesn’t rely on typical scares/tropes of horror to be horror. Readers who love reality television, especially the behind-the-scenes elements, as well as those who love thinking about the world of creation will dig Winnie’s story and the means through which the Ostow’s reveal it. A creati ve, engaging, memorable read. Kelly Jensen Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon (September 1, Delacorte) I decided to download an egalley of Everything, Everything because Kelly mentioned it briefly in a piece about trends in YA as an example of mixed media storytelling. While I absolutely love epistolary stories, I didn’t expect to fall quite so head-over-heels for this book, the story of a girl kept inside a bubble because of a serious illness and the boy across the street who makes her think about the risks of going out into the world. It’s not really similar to Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell in any significant ways, but reading about Maddie and Olly did give me the same swoony feelings I had for Cat and Levi. I just loved it. Kim Ukura Broke my heart then stitched it back together again. There’s just something so pure and human about this book, the tale of a girl trapped inside thanks to a very specific medical condition, that you drop all your defenses a few pages in. Then it makes you laugh, then it pummels you right in the feels, then it does it all over again. I want to buy this book for so many people. Rachel Weber Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff (September 15, Riverhead) The tale of a life-long marriage between a privileged golden boy and a mysterious, stoic woman who keeps her cards close to her chest, told first from his perspective and then from hers. The book takes you from the Florida coast to New England prep schools to New York’s theater scene, floods you in secrets and Greek tragedy and beautiful, delicate sentences, and leaves you wondering where Lauren Groff has been all your life. (She’s been around- be sure to pick up her last novel, Arcadia, which is similarly lovely and heart-breaking.) If you’ve read Groff before, the wit and insight won’t surprise you. If not, I’m jealous that you get to read her for the first time. Amanda Nelson A Fine Summer’s Day by Charles Todd The best fun facts: I read this excellent British WWI-era mystery in 24 hours. It is co-written by a mother/son team. It is the upteenth in the Inspector Ian Rutledge mystery series, but also happens to be a flashback/prequel to before the first book in the series was written, when Scotland Yard Inspector Rutledge was just getting his start. Which means I came in on a series at the absolute beginning, and now have a whole bunch of catch ups, just waiting for me to devour. Because it’s really, really good, and the mystery was not one but several going on simultaneously, and because I cannot get enough of mystery in the summertimebliss. Just, reading bliss. Alison Peters Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses by Robin Wall Kimmerer I have been on a total nature writing kick lately, and I feel completely in love with this book. Mosses are small and easy to overlook but absolutely crucial to the functioning of a forest, impacting everything from tiny insects to giant trees. Kimmerer teaches about the biology of mosses while weaving in personal insights, reflections, and wisdom from her Native American heritage. She writes about moss both as a scientist and as a mother, friend, nature lover, neighbor, and woman. I was enthralled, a writer who can make mosses sound like the most interesting thing in the world is truly special. Valerie Michael The Gracekeepers by Kirsty Logan Make this a movie now. I’ll cast it for you, Hollywood, just to make sure you get it right. What a lovely book, one whose feel I’ve been missing since The Night Circus, not just because Logan’s features a circus, too, but because it has that same melancholy but beautiful atmosphere. I was so intrigued by every character, not just North, the bear girl; and Callanish, the mysterious gracekeeper whose duty is to give the deceased a respectable burial at sea. YOU GUYS, this book. It’s so beautiful. The circus is on a ship! The world has flooded! The damplings and the landlockers don’t exactly trust each other and definitely don’t understand each other. This book is so full of everything that rings my bells: family, friendship, ships, circuses, bears, bodies, and badass women. I. Loved. It. (Obviously.) Jeanette Solomon Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith (September 1, Poppy) Jennifer E. Smith’s books have been gorgeous little corners of romance for as long as I’ve been reading them, and her newest novel is just as delightful. Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between is a story about the moments where leaving one’s loved ones might seem inevitable, and the hopes and doubts we try not to see in ourselves. Claire and Aiden feel almost too real sometimes, their love for each other as flawed and human as they are. Smith never forces the story to be more than what it is: a quiet character study reflective of the crossroads we all face, and the people we want at our side at those moments. Angel Cruz Hospice by Gregory Howard Trying to describe how it felt to read Hospice, the debut experimental novel by Gregory Howard, is like describing the color of a mirror. I could say it’s a story about how Lucy, whose brother disappeared and returned in equally surreal circumstances, navigates a series of caretaking jobs across public and private realms. I could say it feels like a fairy tale in the form of a set of nesting dolls. I could say it’s melancholy but also wryly funny, sad, shocking, and rueful. I could say the way agency slithers from character to character and in and back through inanimate objects makes post-recession suburbia feel like a heaving, watchful forest. But there’s no way to capture the disorienting and magical experience of picking my way through this challenging book, which invited me to “disappear into the gauzy present.†Jessica Tripler In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson (audiobook) Yes, yes, I’m finally listening to this one, and while I’m only a few chapters in, I’m hooked. I’ve read a lot of fiction and nonfiction about WWII, but this history is told from the perspective of the U.S. ambassador to Germany (and his family). It’s particularly chilling because as early as 1933, reports started coming back to FDR about Germany’s volatility and the brutal treatment of Jews, Communists, and many others. I always appreciate Larson’s books because they suck you in until the last page every time, and I know Garden won’t be any different. Rachel Cordasco Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling It was a slow month for me and my reading, but I found myself listening to this audiobook again and I am not sorry. Mindy Kaling has been in the news for her shows move to Hulu, and it was her birthday this month as well. I guess I just had a craving for some Mindy Kaling. Her book is brutally honest about her life, including her struggles with weight and body image, but she still has a sense of humour about it all. So much sense of humour. From stories about her and her brothers childhood, to the stories about her move to New York, Kaling manages to keep it funny and insightful. Oh, and her delivery is on point. One of the best audiobooks Ive listened to so far. I literally laughed out loud throughout this book. Samantha Gualito Island of The Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell This is high-stakes armchair adventure-travel culture clash for the under 12 set with a strong female lead and I enjoyed feeling like I was in a canoe paddling for devil fish under the dark night Pacific stars with Karana, and my son, 10. His 3rd grade teacher recommended he read this over the summer because of his interest at recess in making lean-tos with sticks. There are passages in this book of lyrical self-reliance, the collection of abalones, the taming of wild dogs, the interaction between the natives of the island and the Aleuts who come to exploit the abundance of sea otters. It is a story told in a simple direct way that is unforgettable, and will incite children to start asking the kinds of complex historical questions that adults can’t always easily answer, such as, Why, Mom? Why did they kill so many sea otters? And, What happened to Karana’s people? Elizabeth Bastos The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins I had only heard a basic description of this book, something about orphans being taken in and living in a library, and I thought, “Awww, how sweet, kids growing up in a library.†Um. Turns out, describing this book like that is like describing Oedipus as a story about a guy who moves to a new town and gets married. THIS BOOK IS BANANAS. The more I think about it, the more I want to go running through the streets, pulling my hair and shrieking over its amazingness! Here are true facts: There are orphans, and, yes, there is a library. But here’s the real deal: Father is an in-no-way benevolent god who adopts twelve orphans and raises them to be more than human. Each child studies a particular subject in his library. (Imagine The X-Men at school, if Professor Xavier occasionally ate a student. Or the students at Hogwarts competing in the Hunger Games.) Now a decade or so later, Father has gone missing, and his children are trying to figure out what happened to him before another g od or their ultra-violent brother, David takes control. This book is so mad-packed with originality and delightful WTF-ishness! Told mostly from the point of view of Carolyn, the sister who has learned all the current and dead languages of the world, The Library at Mount Char is a fantastic, mind-blowing novel. It’s an epic nerdpurr. Please, please, please, let there be another one! Liberty Hardy Loving Day by Mat Johnson This is a book Ive been waiting to read for a long time. One of the reasons I was excited to read this is because of the focus on mixed/mulatto identity and Johnson did not hold back. It is an honest story of how complicated love and identity can be. Jamie Moore A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis (October 6, Katherine Tegen Books) I mentioned that I was reading McGinnis’s latest Young Adult novel back in April. So yeah, I’ve spent a lot of time on this one. Why? I wanted to savor every page of this incredibly dark historical thriller. If you’ve read her other novels, Not a Drop to Drink and In a Handful of Dust, you’ll know that McGinnis is great at writing haunting stories that stick with you, and A Madness So Discreet is definitely one of those. The novel introduces readers to Grace, a young woman locked up in an asylum, and the tortures within. She finds herself aligned with a doctor, hunting a serial killer… while battling with the demons of her past. It’s an engrossing read that kept me on the edge of my seat every single chapter, and I can’t wait for it to hit stores in October. Eric Smith Nimona by Noelle Stevenson Nimona isn’t the kind of person you’d normally root for. She likes murder and mayhem, and she’s a little bit evil. She works for Ballister Blackheart, the biggest name in supervillainy, whose nefarious plans include genetically modified dragons, kidnappings, ransoms, and explosions. Together, they’re two halves of a perfect buddy comedy â€" Blackheart is the straight-laced logical one, and Nimona is the loose canon with a punk rock sensibility and a little magic up her sleeve. At the heart of this weird, wonderful, and funny graphic novel from the co-creator of Lumberjanes is the message that you don’t have to be perfect or good to be loved â€" you can even be a monster. If you like cats, sharks, or slightly offbeat humor laced with moral ambiguity, you’ll want to get your hands on a copy of Nimona as soon as humanly possible! Rachel Smalter Hall None of the Above by I. W. Gregorio Kristin Lattimer is many things a good student, a kind peer, an excellent runner, a sweet girlfriend but after her first time is a painful, awkward affair, Kristin’s visit to the OB/GYN reveals that she is one more thing: intersex. What follows is an informed and informative novel about Kristin coming to terms with a medical truth that doesn’t add up with her own truth. And of course, somehow, the entire school knows of Kristin’s diagnosis, so the whole coming to terms†process may not actually be on her own terms. Gregorio is skillful in all aspects of her writing: whether she is peeling away the layers of a world that can show so much cruelty and so much bravery, or whether she is systematically dealing with the question of identity and what that word means to a teenager when so much is taken for granted and so much is blank space. None of the Above may well be one of my favourite reads of the year. Yash Kesanakurthy Nova by Margaret Fortune There is nothing better than a story about a kick-ass girl in space. Lia is 16. She’s a prisoner of war. Her home planet has been destroyed. She has no family, and she’s holding on to her one friend in the whole universe as tightly as she can. But she has a secret, too. She’s not the real Lia. She’s a bomb, and when she doesn’t go off as planned, she has to figure out how to live the life she never thought she’d have. It’s not your typical teenage love story, and that makes it well worth the read. That and SPACE. Cassandra Neace Paprika by Yasutaka Tsutsui Until I spotted it sitting on a table at a bookstore, I didn’t know one of my favorite films was based on a book. Things start out pretty easy as we get to know the rules of the world, but it gets so weird definitely a page-turner. In this world, devices have been developed which allow psychiatrists to treat patients by accessing (and assessing) their dreams. But when a prototype is stolen, our main heroine Dr Atsuko Chiba has to summon her alter ego, Paprika, to save the world from those who would abuse the technology designed to help people. Eventually, dreams start spilling into reality and things get super exciting. There are some shifting perspectives, which is always a plus for me in any book. A word of warning, though: might cause book hangover. Kristina Pino A Reunion of Ghosts by Judith Claire Mitchell The Alter sisters were raised on dark family histories, all woven together by the notion that the sins of our ancestors fall upon us for generations. Aging alone, but together, in an apartment in New York City, they resolve to stop the cycle once and for all: they’ll kill themselves on New Year’s Eve. Mitchell’s novel is black comedy at its finest. Her diction is sharp and wry, the dramatic turns her character’s lives take are fascinating, and she deals with the historical implications of individual choices intelligently, even philosophically. This novel surprised and delighted me. Michelle Anne Schingler Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson A friend of mine first introduced me to roller derby a few years ago (Go Gotham Girls!), so when I was handed this book by my daughter who had borrowed it from her cousin, I had to take a look. Jamieson’s illustrations and narrative are intriguing, sweet, and inspiring. The story follows the world of twelve-year-old Astrid who discovers roller derby and joins the junior team. After many, many mishaps; a liaison through letters with her roller derby idol Rainbow Bite; the discovery that her best friend may have moved on without her; and her first bout, Astrid remains a steadfast, relatable character that all middle graders will adore. Karina Glaser Slade House by David Mitchell (October 27, Random House) David Mitchell is probably my favorite living author, so it’s no surprise that I read his forthcoming novel in a single sitting. Slade House tells the tale of a mysterious English home, accessible only by an almost always hidden gate in a nondescript alley. Over a period of more than thirty years, we follow a series of seemingly disparate visitors through the little black gate, each of whom grants us a little more insight to the unsettling truth about Slade House’s occupants and the purposes they have for the outsiders they invite onto its grounds. The novel is compelling, edge-of-your-seat tense, and it unravels with painstaking precision: as always with Mitchell, we know only what we absolutely need to until we need to know more. The only caveat I have to my recommendation of Slade House is that it will definitely be best if you’ve read Mitchell’s 2014 novel The Bone Clocks. I won’t spoil it, but there is a substantial connection between the two novels (related to concept , not plot) that will pay off much more fully if you read them in order. The Bone Clocks was my favorite book of 2014, so I feel okay about tacking on the additional recommendation. Best get to reading! Josh Corman Spinster by Kate Bolick Bolick’s examination of what makes a woman a spinster is thought provoking. Particularly given that Bolick, now over 40, has rarely been single since she first started dating, and considers herself at least a type of spinster. Her interpretation defines spinsterhood in terms of a woman’s dedication to her own dreams and desires, rather than to a romantic partner. The women she profiles in her book almost all married at some point in their lives, but their careers are what people remember about them. As someone who recognized early in her 20s that being a person of faith, a raging feminist, and a Netflix-and-books introvert is not conducive to steady dating, it was refreshing to feel like I was finally having a conversation with another person about feelings I’ve been mulling over for years. Ellison Langford The Story of a New Name by Elena Ferrante Hi, I’m Jessica, and I am addicted to Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan series. These books follow two close friends who grow up in a poor neighborhood of Naples and end up taking vastly different paths in life. In June I read both My Brilliant Friend and The Story of a New Name and I’ve already started the third book, Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay. I just cannot stop. They are just so utterly amazing, they speak to something in me that I cannot fully articulate. It’s strange to read books knowing that they are some of the best books I’ve ever read, that they will have a spot of honor on my shelves, and that I will come back and read them again and again. Believe the hype, Ferrante is for real. Jessica Woodbury Tales of Nevèrÿon by Samuel Delany This was a random bookstore grab, part of an attempt to fill the holes in my Delany reading. Full disclosure: I write fantasy, and this book has completely flipped the way I look the kinds of narrative performances that fantasy fiction is able to display. Nevèrÿon’s tales are driven by perception, and that perception works to display a kind of world that we see often in fantasy fictionbut rarely ever in such a sociologically sensitive manner. The overarching themes of the work are the differing levels of social change, but our witnessing of these changes is obscured because the perceptions of our narrators are limited. Nevèrÿon is heady stuff, which is to be expected from Delany, but the things that it teaches about the power of language, human and tribal relationships, and the incremental nature of social change rings true. Also, there are a couple of adventure-y parts in the collection that floated my boat. Nevèrÿon is definitely a title that will challenge the reader, if t hey choose to accept it. Troy Wiggins Taste Test by Kelly Fiore A fun YA novel where Top Chef meets The Hunger Games (actually, it’s too bad Hunger Games was already taken, because that would have been a much better title than Taste Test. But I digress). Nora grew up cooking in her dad’s barbeque joint, but always dreamed of something bigger. So when the opportunity to compete in the teenage cooking competition Taste Test comes along, she grabs at it. Her nemesis? The son of a frou frou fine dining chef, Christian van Lorton, who rubs Nora in all the wrong-but-so-so-right ways. I can never resist romances where the hero and heroine fight all the time, especially when they’re equals, and Taste Test delivers on entertaining sparring and snappy dialog. I also loved that these teenagers are highly skilled and talented with very focused goals, yet still acted like actual teenagers. The ending left everything unresolved, which was annoying, but this is a very fast, unputdownable read you can finish in a day. Recommended if you want a quick foodie romance! Tasha Brandstatter The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson This book was on my radar for sometime, but it wasn’t until I finally got my hands on a copy and dove headfirst into the rich, bittersweet world, that I realized what a gift it is. The novel starts on the island of Taranoke, where young Baru Cormorant stands on the beach with her mother and two fathers as ships with red sails begin to pull into the harbor. The Empire of Masks has arrived and with them, they bring new math, star charts, tools, food, weapons, and support for the people of Taranoke. They also bring plague, rigid education, new metrics for “hygienic living,†and cultural/hereditary taxonomy and control. Their velvet-gloved hand begins to slowly choke Taranoke, and it’s only when Baru is already enrolled in one of the schools, kept from home, and one of her fathers goes missing that she sees the Empire for what they are: conquerors. But Baru knows that the best weapons are knowledge, information, and strategy. She vows to save her home, by rising high in the ranks of the Empire of Masks, enough take it down from the inside. And so, at eighteen, she is sent as Imperial Accountant to the unforgiving cold of Audrwynn, a country to the north under control of the Empire; it is fractured and proud, and in need of an imperial hand to stave off rebellion. But smart as she is, Baru is young, and finds that she may have wandered right into a pack of wolves. But if she is save her country, her family, she’ll need to outpace the wolves around her, and prove her worth to the Empire. This book is a brutal treasure in every way. Baru is one of the most complicated, best-written characters I’ve read in some time, who must balance agenda against agenda against personal feelings against everything at stake; she wears dozens of masks, switching so effortlessly at times, my head was spinning trying to keep track of them all (but in a good way). She is a fully realized, queer woman of color with agency and power, and is an amazing breath of fresh air in a genre that is getting better with representation, but still has a long way to go. The world she lives in is beautiful and heart-breaking, a mixture of Guns, Germs, and Steel and epic fantasy; there are hints of the supernatural in this secondary world, but for the most part, Dickinson focuses on the political maneuvering, character development, economics, warfare, and emotional arcs. His sentence-level prose is delicious, tightly focused, and he never treats the reader as anything less than capable and intelligent. E very page draws you in closer, until the end, when he delivers one of the most shattering and fling-across-the-room-y twists in a book I’ve ever read. I could go on, but I’ll just say: please, please, please read this heartbreaking, amazing novel. Martin Cahill Wolf Winter by Cecilia Eckback I heard about this book via one of our Book Riot podcasts and it sounded perfect for me. And there was no doubt that the content of this book was incredibly compelling: a young girl discovering her sorcery in witch-fearing Scandinavia in the 1700s. The writing though through pacing and description produces the complications of a different era with ease. Jessi Lewis The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood Last year, I accidentally bought the third and last book of the MadAddam series without the knowledge that it was part of a series. I had read Atwood before and wanted to know what she was writing these days. Only recently did I realize I probably needed to read the two first books before I finally got to my new purchase. I will be honest and admit I didn’t love the first book of the series (Oryx and Crake) because the anti-hero just wasn’t interesting enough to me. Things definitely got better when I started reading Year of the Flood, although I wasn’t and still am not super gripped by the story. I liked Year of the Flood better than Oryx and Crake because it was about the women who survived the scientifically engineered plague and what they did to survive. Also, I got a glimpse of the oppression they suffered in corporation-dominated world, which went completely untouched in the last book. Nicole Froio
Friday, May 22, 2020
Brain Tumors - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 305 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/09/15 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? BRAIN TUMORS AND NEUROPSYCHOLOGY Brain tumors are defined abnormal growth of cells within the brain or the central spinal area. It may result in death if not treated. Its physical symptoms are chronic seizures, chronic headaches, progressive neurologic deficits, in children Gait disturbance, failure to thrive and increasing head size. There are also clinical symptoms and some of these are cognitive deficits such as hakims trait of hydrocephalus and visual problems like hemi paresis. It can be diagnosed radiologically through Brain magnetic resonance imaging scans (MRI’s) with or without paramagnetic contrast, head computed tomography (CT) scans which both provide information on the size, location, morphology, mass effect and clues to malignancy. The cancer may lead to neurological complications such as gait ataxia, papilledema, hemi sensory deficits, breast mass and abdominal mass. These tumors can be managed through surgical means such as neuroendoscopy, micro neurosurgery and stereotactic surgery. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Brain Tumors" essay for you Create order All these may provide tissue for H path diagnosis, reduce tumor load, reduce mass effect and helps prolong useful life. Brain tumors and cancer propel neuropsychological changes which involve changes between brain functions and behavior such as headaches and cognitive dysfunctions which may include memory problems, mood alteration and even strokes. Resulting from brain tumors, patients may develop deficits such as poor attention and concentration, visual spatial processing, mathematics and reading problems, poor visual motor integration and speed and these deficits depend on the location of tumors, size and grade of development. With some of these deficits, the individual might easily forget names, drive recklessly and even be a ‘‘bad’’ student when in school. Rehabilitation takes place with intervention, during which the patient compelled or counseled on the cancer. Remediation also as a rehabilitation method involves giving out medical drugs to the patient. The rest are social support and multidisciplinary approach, in which different techniques are used.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Oceans On Earth - 1284 Words
The oceans on earth are some of the most diverse areas around the globe and we are hurting it very badly. Lots of these oceans provide food and jobs for many people. When we pollute the ocean we are diminishing the life in these bodies of water. The oceans can not survive with trash much longer, so we need to do something about it, because we have all the resources and plenti of people to think of ways to help better protect this diverse ecosystem. The earth has many great features living among it. The ocean can be a very mysterious place that we don’t actually know all that much about. There are many problems facing our oceans today, such as: pollution and people throwing trash in our oceans. We can stop all of these problems through STEM. STEM covers Science Technology Engineering and Math, these four groups can fix many problems. When diving on a coral reef you can see many beautiful things, but one of the things you don’t want to see is plastic floating around and f ish swimming around it. This was one of the things I saw when I went to the Caribbean. The oceans are very beautiful places that don’t deserve the way we treat it. Fish and other sea creatures will eat just about anything; for example, the Tiger shark is known as the garbage can of the sea. There are many different things that have been found in the bell of tiger sharks, such as: fur coats, knights in armour, ancient medals, polar bears, reindeer, tires, shoes, chicken coops with chickens inside, cannonShow MoreRelatedThe Earth s Oceans And Its Impact On Earth1269 Words  | 6 Pages The earth’s oceans are overfished. Nearly 80 percent of commercial fisheries are overexploited and some experts believe that global fisheries will completely collapse by 2048 (Barkin page 1). While these are just facts that tell the worst-case scenario, they should be alarms that spark change in the way we fish. This paper, however, will specifically target overfishing in the Grand Banks in Newfoundland, Canada, and analyze its impact on Earth, its Environment and Humanity. Over fishing is simplyRead MoreThe Earth s Oceans And The Mysteries1387 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: The ocean covers more than seventy percent of the surface of our planet, and yet only five percent of this great mass has been explored. It is the livelihood of marine scientists to explore and learn about the Earth’s oceans and the mysteries they hold. One of the greatest scientific discoveries of the twentieth century is of deep-sea hydrothermal vents. It is these vents that continue the age-old questioning of where did life on earth originate? Discovering the Vents: In 1977, aRead MoreEarths Dynammic Ocean and Atmosphere785 Words  | 4 PagesUniversity of Phoenix Material Earth’s Dynamic Ocean and Atmosphere I Worksheet From Visualizing Earth Science, by Merali, Z., and Skinner, B. J, 2009, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Copyright 2009 by Wiley. Adapted with permission. Part 1 Sections 12.1 and 12.2 of the text discuss the origin and composition of the world ocean’s seawater. What is the current theory on the evolution of the world ocean? Discuss the origin of the salinity of seawater and how the ocean maintains salinity. A: The current theoryRead MoreOceans : The Life Of Planet Earth1536 Words  | 7 PagesOceans: The life of planet Earth Oceans cover 71% of Earth s surface and are the most diverse biomes in the world. They regulate global temperature by distributing heat around the globe and hold 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere. However, due to the recent increase in CO2 levels, all of the world is being threatened by sea-level rise, melting ice caps, and ocean acidification. If we continue down this path we are bound to repeat the events of the Great Dying, which wiped out nearly allRead MoreThe Earth Has Vast Oceans2050 Words  | 9 PagesOut of the eight planets in our solar system, Earth is the only planet circling the Sun on which life as we know it could (and does) exist. Unlike any other planet, the Earth has vast oceans with millions of small islands in them, green vegetation, huge landmasses, different topographies, like the mountains, ice caps and deserts, all of which present an amazing variety of color and texture. be the extremely cold Antarctica, where hardy microscopic beings thrive in pond s, tiny wingless insects liveRead MoreIndustrialization Of The Earth s Oceans1802 Words  | 8 PagesSince the dawn of time, the existence and condition of the Earth’s oceans have been a major continuity throughout history. All seven seas serve as an extensive home to an estimated one million discovered species who rely on the ocean’s ecosystem to survive. As time progressed and the human race evolved, so did technology and industrialization. During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, industrial revolutions took place all over the planet, spreading new technology and ethics all throughoutRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effect On Earth s Surface, Oceans, And Atmosphere1165 Words  | 5 PagesGlobal warming is the gradual increase of temperature in Earth’s surface, oceans, and atmosphere. Some people may say that global warming is just a theory that has not been proven scientifically; however, I do believe that global warming is happening and that there is strong evidence about this occurrence. Such evidence includes the increase of carbon dioxide, the rising of sea level, the increase of acid in the ocean, and clearly, the changes in global climate. In fact, mostly all sorts of humanRead MoreEarth s Deep Sea Sediment From The Ocean Floor963 Words  | 4 Pagesright in the middle sails through remote parts of the ocean carrying practically a whole village; complete with electricians, diesel mechanics, drillers, a captain and his crew, and a bunch of nerdy scientists. These â€Å"nerdy scientists†have one objective: to recover deep-sea sediment from the ocean floor in order to attain an age model of these sediments and reconstruct the earth’s climate. By analyzing microscopic shelled organisms from the ocean floor, associate professor Daniel Clay Kelly of UW-Madison’sRead MoreOur Oceans Are The Earth s Biggest Life Support Systems Essay2000 Words  | 8 Pagesexist, as we know it. This extremely important resource is the Ocean. The oceans are the â€Å"lifeblood of planet Earth and humankind†. In all, the oceans are the Earth s biggest life support systems. Our society depends on much from the oceans and because they are so important it is necessary to explore all they provide. They contribute to the air we breathe, the water we drink, food we eat, and also provide recreation. Specifically, the oceans provide a sixth of the animal protein people eat and also absorbsRead MoreOcean Running Like A River Round A Perfectly Circular Earth1247 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"I cannot help laughing at the absurdity of all the map-makers...who show Ocean running like a river round a perfectly circular earth, with Asia and Eur ope of the same size†¦the â€Å"proper notion of the size and shape of these two continents. Persian territory extends southward to the Red Sea, as it is called; north of them are the Medes, then the Saspires, then the Cholchians, who go as far as the northern sea, where the mouth of the Phasis is. These four nations fill the area between the Black sea
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Keynesian Economics Free Essays
Introduction  John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who studied the economy as whole as opposed to different parts of an economic system. He challenged the classical economic assumptions and its basic economic concepts and its explanations. Keynesian Revolution Keynes explained how the participants like Investors consumers behave and how the market system cannot always produce full-employment and how it cannot move to full employment at least in the short term without government intervention in the market system to keep the investment level and consumption level to produce closer to full employment. We will write a custom essay sample on Keynesian Economics or any similar topic only for you Order Now The classical market model and the price mechanism also was unable to explain the great depression 1930’s and Keynesian theory or the new Keynesian theory gave plausible explanation of recessions and boom and bust cycles of market economic systems and also gave prescriptions to stabilize these fluctuations by fiscal and monetary policy. In this sense as well as its considerable departure from the classical idea the market will self correct and government intervention must be minimum Keynesian economic thought emphasized the opposite that government has a legitimate role to pay in the market system to address the weaknesses in the market systems adjusting mechanisms of price signals at least in the Keynesian Revolution short to medium terms to keep economic activity closer to full employment and redistribute income and wealth to the workers to increase aggregate demand. As Discussed above It can be said Keynes economic model and ideas and explanation how the system works is definitely a revolution to the classical economic model which adds to the knowledge and refined the understanding of how an economic system works as a whole and how the parts are related. The economic forces which brought about Keynesian Economics The main economic force behind the Keynesian economics was the observation that the economy for several reasons due to economic shocks or lack of consumption if it produces unemployment temporarily the market system left to correct such imbalances did not produce employment levels closer to full-employment and the economy went through boom and bust cycles when the economy grows and there was considerable fluctuation in economic activity at least in British economic history. In order to understand such economic phenomena Keynes developed his Keynesian Economic model and created his Economic theory called The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money. In addition the Great depression in 1930’s gave great concerns about how to correct such low levels of employment and misery and how to avoid it by appropriate economic policy. Revolutionary Nature of Keynesian Economics  Keynesian Economics is not studying a part of economy but to study the economy as whole and see how the parts are related. It gave a radically new model of the economy, changed the behavior of consumers assumption that they are rational to impulses and animal instincts as well it modified the functions of money that it can be a store of wealth as well as a medium of exchange It also theorized that investment level does not only depend on interest rate but on the expectations and outlook of investors future and gave a plausible explanation why price will not adjust so that to produce full employment because of Institutional factors and other factors prices will not fall to increase demand but produce more unemployment . In effect Keynesian theory gave why economy can come in to equilibrium less than the full employment level and can move through boom and bust cycles if allowed to work in the mercy of the market alone and the price mechanism. That is Keynesian economics gave governments a legitimate economic role to manage the economy close to full employment by Keynesian economic policy. In this regard as the earlier economic theories do not explain the above economic problems and Keynes gave some more insights which is radically different from the earlier economic models it is a revolution in Economics. The classical and Keynesian Economic theory of employment. The classical economic theory assumes the economic participants are rational. Keynes rejects this assumption and believes the participants need not be fully rational and they can act on instincts and subjective judgments and intuition. In classical economics they don’t take in to account institutional factors but in Keynesian economics they take in to account institutional factors. Classical economists keep other things equal and study a specific economic relationship. But Keynes economics they study the economy as whole and study all economic variables simultaneously. Classical economists believe price will self correct so that the economy will not be in unemployment for long period of time. Keynes rejects this and theorize that price stickiness in the market prevent the system to adjust to full employment level. In classical economics money is a medium of exchange but in Keynesian economics it is also a store of value. There fore in bad economic times Consumers will not spend but save for liquidity preferences and this may reduce aggregate demand and further increase unemployment. The relation ship between interest rate and Investment level for classical economist is strong. That is interest rate will affect investment level than other factors. That is investment level is sensitive to interest rate than other factors but for Keynesians other factors are important than interest rate. In classical economics they see a very limited role for government in economic affairs. But In Keynesian economics they see a legitimate and far greater degree of intervention The classical and Keynesian Economic theory of employment to regulate economic activity to create full employment. As well Keynesian economics like to redistribute income and wealth to increase aggregate demand but classical economists do not believe in the redistribution of income will produce more employment. Keynesian explanation of the Great Depression According to Keynesian economics the great Depression is caused by inadequate investment and aggregate demand and the market system did not have the level of consumption and investment demand so that the economy as whole produced high level of unemployment because there is less government investment to take the slack in private investment levels and the inequality of income in the market system which produces less aggregate demand compared to if the income distribution is more equal. Keynesian Economic Policies Keynesian Economic policies are fiscal and monetary policy. Fiscal policy is the use of taxes and government welfare and other infrastructure and investment programs particularly in a recession and finances it through borrowings as well as deficit financing. In addition Keynesian economic policies are directed to trade policies to boost aggregate demand. In addition to that it uses interest rate to keep money supply under control to manage inflation and also to improve investment levels. However fiscal policy plays a major role in stabilizing aggregate demand rather than the use of monetary policy. In addition it also addresses the institutional factors, which makes the market to work more effectively so that government can regulate and minimize anti competitive practices. Bibliography Alan S. Blinder. â€Å"Keynesian Economics†. THE CONCISE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ECONOMICS. THE LIBRARY OF ECONOMICS and LIBERTY. 28 nNov.2006 ( Steve, Kangas. â€Å"A Critique of the Chicago School of Economics: A BRIEF REVIEW OF KEYNESIAN THEORY†. The Long FAQ on Liberalism. Liberalism Resurgent. 28 Nov.2006 ( The Canadian Encyclopedia. â€Å" Keynesian Economics†. The Canadian Encyclopedia. 28 Nov. 2006 ( wikipedia. â€Å"Causes of Great Depression†. 28 Nov. 2006 ( WIKIPEDIA, The Free Encyclopedia. â€Å"Keynesian Revolution†. WIKIPEDIA, The Free Encyclopedia. 28 Nov 2006 ( How to cite Keynesian Economics, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
This Is A Tale Of Arms And Of A Man. Fated To Be An Exile, He Was The
?This is a tale of arms and of a man. Fated to be an exile, he was the first to sail from the land of Troy and reach Italy at its Lavinian shore.?(27) Yes, Virgil's Aeneid is about the Trojan hero Aeneas and his travelings to eventually start the Roman empire. The Aeneid was a very subjective poem; the praise of Augustus Caesar and the Roman empire clearly echoes Virgil's own beliefs. Many people have labeled the Aeneid as propaganda for the Roman empire, propaganda in Latin means things which ought to be propagated and Virgil surely believed that the values shown throughout his story needed to be spread about a bit. Rome had just finished a bloody civil war a few decades before this writing and needed a strong moral compass which is what Virgil hoped to provide. The glory of war was a main part in Roman society; it was what made the Roman Empire extend from the northern border of Africa to the cold dark coast of the Atlantic Ocean. To do this they needed the mightiest army on earth, filled with young men eager to make the empire proud of them. Virgil knew this and decided to install that sense of pride in Aeneas, ?I fixed on a door-frontal a shield of hallowed bronze which had once been carried by the mighty Abas, and under it wrote a memorial, Armor captured from victorious Greeks and dedicated by Aeneas.? (84) This shows all the young Roman men that with war come the spoils of war. To recruit all these young men all they have to do is read that passage and show them what happens when they fight. A bronze shield would be a very expensive luxury at the time and for somebody to just leave it as a dedication shows that if Aeneas left such an expensive luxury he must have many others to spare. The thought of riches must have contributed to the number of young men in the military, and by having so many men in the military other nations would be intimidated by the power of it. Also with all the young men in the military it would be peer pressure for others to join. Just by showing what the spoils of war can bring you can increase your military exponentially over the years. Today countries, especially the South American counties use the spoils of being in the military to get men to join. Recently some of the countries down there were run by the military, to get young recruits they offered them the spoils of being in a position of power. The military would take money for protection and steal from those who opposed them. It wasn't an honest way to get recruits but it worked. Virgil wanted to make the citizens of Rome remember all their glorious past accomplishments and remember how great their ruler is. To do this he told of all the great past accomplishments on a shield made by Vulcan and given to Aeneas, ?On one side was Augustus Caesar leading Italians into battle, having with him the senate and populace, the little Gods of Home and the Great Gods of the race.? (221) When the people see this, they remember their great leader Caesar and all the good he had done for their people. They realize that he has the gods on his side and to resist him would be resisting the gods. This just emphasizes the rule of Caesar and his absolute authority. This is a common tactic used to emphasize the power of the ruler and tell of the good times. When a person comes to power everybody loves him, if they didn't he wouldn't be in power. But after a while that power goes to your head and you may start to get careless. When this happens, to get the support of the people back you have to remind them how much good you did for the country, and remind them of the power you hold. Caesar wanted everybody to follow the rules of the gods and thus have an orderly society. With words Virgil installed the notion of devotion of gods to Aeneas and his
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